Who we are
T he National Steering Committee for Intensive French is a voluntary group of professionals involved in implementing and administrating Intensive French programs in their jurisdiction, at the provincial or territorial level, or at the school district level where there is no provincial coordination of the Intensive French program. The committee also includes independent consultants who are trained in the Neurolinguistic Approach and have been involved implementing the program in schools and in adult settings. .
Our goals
• Promote the efficient implementation of Intensive French and Post-Intensive French programs in schools
• Promote the implementation of the NLA in second-language teaching programs
• Promote the NLA across Canada and internationally
• Encourage research into the NLA
What we do
• Support the implementation of Intensive French and Post-Intensive French programs
• Assist persons who offer NLA training
• Offer training in the NLA, Intensive French or Post-Intensive French (on request)
• Offer workshops on specific elements of the NLA (on request)
• Coordinate the sharing of information about resources created for the programs
• Update teaching units and develop new ones
• Disseminate teaching materials
The group is currently a voluntary one. Any projects undertaken are financed on a partnership basis.
The Annual General Meeting usually takes place at the same time as conferences or meetings hosted by the Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers (CASLT-ACPLS).
Due to restrictions implemented to counter the Covid-19 pandemic, the meeting scheduled for October 21-22, 2020, was postponed.
It is likely that the 2021 meeting will be held virtually during the month of November.